
Last updated Wednesday 24 July, 2024 8:01 AM

Today's Events

ACT Estimates
QLD Estimate Hearings
Senate: Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee inquiry into shutdown of the 3G mobile network.
Senate: Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee inquiry into Right wing extremist movements in Australia.
House: Standing Committee on Economics Inquiry into insurers' responses to 2022 major floods claims.
Senate: Economics Legislation Committee inquiry into Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024.
Senate: Community Affairs Legislation Committee inquiry into National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024.
House: Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry.
Joint: Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters inquiry into civics education, engagement, and participation in Australia.
National Press Club: Professor of Environmental Management in the School of the Environment at UQ, Professor Martine Maron, and Professor of Geography in the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the ANU, Professor Jamie Pittock, to give an address on 'Launch of Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Landmark Report "Blueprint to Repair Australia's Landscapes."'
ABS: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3.
ABS: Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

See our Diary and Calendar pages for more detailed information.

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Top Headlines

More pathways to support for victims and survivors of human trafficking

The Government is supporting victims and survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery through an innovative pilot connecting them directly to the services they need. The Additional Referral Pathway pilot will mean eligible victims and survivors will be able to access the Support for Trafficked People Program through referral from select community providers, without requiring initial engagement with law enforcement as is currently the case' said Acting Attorney-General Katy Gallagher, Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth and Assistant Minister for Social Services Justine Elliot.

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Government boosting ADF capability and safeguarding Australians with accelerated littoral fleet build

The build of 18 medium landing craft for the Army's new littoral fleet is being accelerated, underscoring the Government's commitment to keeping Australians safe and support for Australia's sovereign defence industry. The $2 billion project - part of the Government's record investment in Defence - is expected to create 1,100 direct jobs and more than 2,000 indirect jobs under a program that will also deliver heavy landing craft as well as amphibious vehicles. Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy said "building Australia's new fleet of landing craft is also part of the Government's commitment to continuous naval shipbuilding in Western Australia and a future made in Australia.'

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Government announces NDIS grant funding

The Government is investing in the future of regional and diverse NDIS communities through $5 million in grant funding. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguards Commission grant opportunity aims to develop the knowledge and skills of participants, providers and workers to access and deliver quality and safe NDIS supports and services. $5 million over two years will be available through The Knowledge and Skill Development grant, for proposals upholding the rights of people with disability and involve people with disability in the co-design and delivery of the project, said Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten.

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Six Medicare Urgent Care Clinics for remote Northern Territory

Six Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (Medicare UCCs) will be established in remote regions of the Northern Territory providing free, culturally appropriate urgent care services to local communities. Existing remote urgent care clinics in Alyangula (Groote Eylandt), Wurrumiyanga (Tiwi Islands), and Maningrida (Top End Region) will transition to become part of the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic program. In addition, a further three remote clinics will also be established in Galiwinku (Elcho Island), Lajamanu (Big Rivers Region), and Ali-Curung (Barkly Region)' said Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health Malarndirri McCarthy, Member for Lingiari Marion Scrymgour and Member for Solomon Luke Gosling.

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NAIF hits $2 billion investment mark supporting thousands of jobs

The Australian Government's Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility's (NAIF) has reached a significant investment milestone, with $2 billion invested in infrastructure projects across northern Australia. Loans facilitated by the NAIF are bringing transformational benefits to communities in the north, creating jobs, unlocking economic opportunities in regional areas, and driving the nation's transition towards a net zero economy. Minister for Northern Australia Madeleine King said Australia's economy was being supercharged by important projects and industry in the North.

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Recent Acts

Act Name Date of Assent Act No.
COAG Legislation Amendment Act 2024



Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 2024



Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 2024



Primary Industries (Services) Levies Act 2024



Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 2024



Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2024



Primary Industries (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2024



Australian Postal Corporation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024



Communications Legislation Amendment (Prominence and Anti-siphoning) Act 2024



Creative Australia Amendment (Implementation of Revive) Act 2024



Criminal Code Amendment (Protecting Commonwealth Frontline Workers) Act 2024



Payment Times Reporting Amendment Act 2024



Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (More Support in the Safety Net) Act 2024



Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024



Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Act 2024



Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Act 2024



Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Assignment of Medicare Benefits) Act 2024



Customs Tariff Amendment (Tobacco) Act 2024



Excise Tariff Amendment (Tobacco) Act 2024



National Health Amendment (Supporting Patient Access to Cheaper Medicines and Other Measures) Act 2024



See Capital Monitor's Federal Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

Australian Capital Territory

Act Name Date of Notification Act No.
Housing and Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 2024



Health (Improved Abortion Access) Amendment Act 2024



Parentage (Surrogacy) Amendment Act 2024



Heritage Amendment Act 2024



Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Amendment Act 2024



Children and Young People Amendment Act 2024 (No 2)



Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Act 2024



Property Developers Act 2024



See Capital Monitor's Australian Capital Territory Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

New South Wales

Act Name Date of Assent Act No.



See Capital Monitor's New South Wales Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

Northern Territory

Act Name Date of Assent Act No.



See Capital Monitor's Northern Territory Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.


Act Name Date of Assent Act No.



See Capital Monitor's Queensland Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

South Australia

Act Name Date of Assent Act No.
Summary Offences (Nazi Salute and Symbols Prohibition) Amendment Act 2024



See Capital Monitor's South Australian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.


Act Name Date of Assent Act No.
Child Safety Reform Implementation Monitor Act 2024



See Capital Monitor's Tasmanian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.


Act Name Date of Assent Act No.



See Capital Monitor's Victorian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

Western Australia

Act Name Date of Assent Act No.



See Capital Monitor's Western Australian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.

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Political Calendar


Federal Parliament will next sit from 13 - 15 August 2024.
The 2024-25 Federal Budget was handed down on Tuesday, 14 May.
Additional Budget Estimates were held 12 - 16 Feb (plus 27 Feb, 18, 19 & 27 Mar).
Budget Estimates were held 28 May - 7 June 2024 (plus 18 & 25 June, 1-2 July).
Supplementary Budget Estimates are scheduled for 4 - 8 Nov.
The last Federal Election was on 21 May 2022.
Federal Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 16 August 2023.

Australian Capital Territory

The Australian Capital Territory Parliament will next sit from 27 - 29 August 2024.
The 2024-25 Territory Budget will be handed down on Tuesday 25 June.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 22 July - 5 August 2024.
The next ACT election is scheduled for Saturday 19 October 2024.
ACT Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 11 December 2023.

New South Wales

NSW Parliament will next sit 6 - 8 August 2024.
The 2024-25 State Budget will be handed down on 18 June 2024.
2024 Supplementary Budget Estimates are on 20 Feb - 7 March.
Budget Estimates are Tues 27 August - Wed 11 September 2024.
The last NSW Election was on 25 March 2023.
New South Wales Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 05 April 2023.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Parliament will next sit from TBA.
The 2024-25 Territory Budget was handed down on Tuesday, 14 May.
Budget Estimates are on 11 - 20 June 2024
The next Northern Territory Election is scheduled for Saturday 24 August 2024.
Northern Territory Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 01 February 2024.


The Queensland Parliament will next sit 20 - 22 August 2024.
The 2024-25 State Budget was handed down on Tuesday, 11 June.
Budget Estimates are on 23 July -1 August 2024.
The next Queensland Election is scheduled for Saturday 26 October 2024.
Queensland Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 18 December 2023.

South Australia

The South Australian Parliament will next sit from on 27 - 29 August 2024.
The 2024-25 State Budget was handed down on Thursday, 6 June.
Budget Estimates are on 20 - 26 June.
The last South Australian Election was on 19 March 2022.
South Australian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 15 April 2024.


The Tasmanian Parliament will next sit from 30 July - 1 August 2024.
The Tasmanian Parliament was prorogued on 14 February 2024. All legislation in the prorogued Parliament is now lapsed.
The 2024-25 State Budget will be handed down on Thursday, 12 September.
Budget Estimates will be held on 23 - 26 September 2024.
The last Tasmanian Election was held on Saturday 23 March 2024.
Tasmanian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 26 June 2024.


The Victorian Parliament will next sit on 30 July - 1 August 2024.
The 2024-25 State Budget was handed down on Tuesday 7 May 2024.
Budget Estimates are on 16 - 17, 20 - 24 and 27 May 2024.
The last Victorian election was held on 26 November 2022.
Victorian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 02 October 2023 with supplementary Orders made on 12 December 2023.

Western Australia

The Western Australian Parliament will next sit on 6 - 8 August 2024.
The 2024-25 State Budget was handed down on Thursday, 9 May.
Budget Estimates are on 21 - 23 May.
The next Western Australian election is scheduled for 8 March 2025.
Western Australian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 08 June 2023.

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