Last updated Thursday 6 February, 2025 9:41 AM
ABS: International Trade in Goods. |
See our Diary and Calendar pages for more detail. Use the Alerts Manager / All Options in the Main Menu to sign up for Diary Alerts.
Government building Australia's future with more money for public hospital reform
The Federal Government is delivering an additional $1.7billion to fund public hospitals and health services next year. 'Our public health system is too precious to entrust to Peter Dutton and the Liberals, who ripped $50 billion out of public hospital funding when he was Health Minister.' said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. 'For too long we've seen governments stuck in trench warfare playing the blame game on hospital funding. This infuriates Australians when all they want is to make sure they don't spend hours ramped in an ambulance or waiting in an overcrowded emergency department.' added Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler.
Crossbench and community sector leaders urge parliament to raise income support
Parliamentarians have joined community sector leaders in calling on the parliament to raise the rate of income support. Member for Bass, Bridget Archer; Member for Curtin, Kate Chaney; Member for Indi, Helen Haines; Member for Kooyong, Monique Ryan; Member for Warringah, Zali Steggall; Member for North Sydney, Kylea Tink; and Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, among others, called for the parliament to ease cost of living pressure for those struggling the most by raising the rate of JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Parenting Payment and related payments to a livable level. Currently JobSeeker is just $56 a day and Youth Allowance just $47 a day.
Enduring free TAFE one step closer
The Federal Government's Free TAFE bill is one step closer after passing the House of Representatives. The legislation will lock in an ongoing, coordinated approach with states and territories, to address local and national skills shortages, while delivering cost of living relief to those who need it most. 'Free TAFE opens doors and gives Australians one of the greatest opportunities they have - not just to fulfil their potential, but expand it.' said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. 'And with the help of our fantastic TAFE teachers, we are educating the next generation of Australians, who will take our nation forward.' added Minister for Skills and Training Andrew Giles.
Additional support for healthcare students and graduates from rural, regional and remote locations
According to NSW Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park and Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty, healthcare students and graduates living or seeking employment in rural, regional and remote NSW can now apply for 9 types of scholarships designed to support their studies and boost the state's regional health workforce. Applications are now open for the Diploma of Nursing Rural Travel Support Incentive, which provides financial travel assistance for Diploma of Nursing students from a rural area and live more than 100km from the Registered Training Organisation.
Petition to save Silverleaves tabled in Victorian Parliament
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Federal Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Australian Capital Territory
Act Name | Date of Notification | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Australian Capital Territory Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
New South Wales
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's New South Wales Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Northern Territory
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Northern Territory Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Queensland Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
South Australia
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's South Australian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Tasmanian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Victorian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Western Australia
Act Name | Date of Assent | Act No. |
See Capital Monitor's Western Australian Bills Monitor and Acts Assented pages for detailed coverage.
Federal Parliament will next sit from 4 - 6 February 2025.
The 2025-26 Federal Budget will be handed down on Tuesday, 25 March.
Additional Budget Estimates will be held TBA.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 7 - 11 & 14 - 17 April.
Supplementary Budget Estimates are scheduled for 27 - 31 October.
The last Federal Election was on 21 May 2022.
Federal Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 30 July 2024
Australian Capital Territory
ACT Parliament will next sit from 4 - 6 February 2025.
The 2025-26 Territory Budget will be handed down in June.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for TBA.
The last ACT Election was on 19 October 2024.
ACT Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 11 December 2023.
New South Wales
NSW Parliament will next sit 11 - 13 February 2025.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down in June.
Supplementary Budget Estimates are scheduled for 1- 5 December.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 25 - 28 February, 3 - 7, 10 - 12 March & 19 - 22, 25 - 29 August, 1- 3 September.
The last NSW Election was on 25 March 2023.
New South Wales Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 05 April 2023.
Northern Territory
NT Parliament will next sit 11 - 13 February 2025.
The 2025-26 Territory Budget will be handed down in May.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 10 - 12 & 16 - 19 June.
The last Northern Territory Election was on 24 August 2024.
Northern Territory Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 10 September 2024.
Queensland Parliament will next sit 18 - 20 February 2025.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down on Tuesday, 24 June.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 29 - 31 July, 1, 5 - 7 August.
The last Queensland Election was on 26 October 2024.
Queensland Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 18 December 2023.
South Australia
The South Australian Parliament will next sit from on 4 - 6 February 2025.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down on Thursday, 5 June.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 19 - 20 June & 23 - 25 June.
The last South Australian Election was on 19 March 2022.
South Australian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 15 April 2024.
The Tasmanian Parliament (Assembly) will next sit from 4 - 6 March 2025.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down on Thursday, 29 May.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for 10 - 13 June.
The last Tasmanian Election was held on Saturday 23 March 2024.
Tasmanian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 26 June 2024.
The Victorian Parliament will next sit on 4 - 6 February 2025.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down in May.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for TBA.
The last Victorian election was held on 26 November 2022.
Victorian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 02 October 2023 with supplementary Orders made on 12 December 2023.
Western Australia
The Western Australian Parliament will next sit on TBA.
The 2025-26 State Budget will be handed down in May.
Budget Estimates are scheduled for TBA.
The next Western Australian election is scheduled for 8 March 2025.
Western Australian Administrative Arrangements Orders were most recently made on 08 June 2023.
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